Eglise Notre-Dame de l'Assomption

Eglise Notre-Dame de l'Assomption image1


The parish of Aillon-le-Jeune was established in 1804, and the church was built two years later, in the neo-Roman style.
Restored during the 19th century, especially after the fire of 1842, this church has preserved the abundant decoration of this period, painted repeatedly by Mucengo, Mabboux, Salvati, then Mantilleri in 1930. It contains a statue of the Virgin Mary donated by the prior of Tamié. The stones on the main façade come from the former gateway of Chartreuse d'Aillon, as is the sculpted and moulded walnut door, which dates from 1670. The inscription reads 'UMBERTUS COMES III' (Count Humbert III), referring to the foundation built by this Savoie prince to support the monks.
Chef Lieu, 73340, Aillon-le-Jeune
Open daily, throughout the year from 10am - 6pm