Garden of scents

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In the park surrounding the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, enjoy a stroll through the Jardin des Senteurs. You'll discover many aromatic plants in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the heart of Chambéry.
Located below the Château des Ducs de Savoie, it occupies the site of the former little vegetable garden of the Château given by the king in 1845 to the Société d'Histoire Naturelle, at the same time as the gardener's house (the current Museum) and the large vegetable garden located near the Cure de Maché. An 'aromatic and tactile garden' has been created so that visually-impaired people can explore around 40 remarkable plants by touch or smell. Chambéry is the first town in the Rhône-Alpes to provide these facilities.
Avenue de Lyon, 73000, Chambéry
Open daily, throughout the year.