Carret cave

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This cave is named after Jules Carret, a politician in Chambéry. Passionate about archaeology, he decided to carry out excavations in the Grotte de la Doria.
Therefore, he had a house built at the entrance to the cave, in which he stayed for 7 consecutive summers, living an almost hermit-like existence. He hoped that he would be able to open a museum containing his findings. His research methods mark him as one of the forefathers of modern archaeology. Set off from the Lovettaz car park for a 55-minute walk. The Grotte à Chambery is a relatively deep shelter under a layer of rock. As you enter the cave, you can see the remains of Dr Carret's house, a leader of archaeological research.


Free of charge
73230, Saint-Jean-d'Arvey
Open daily, throughout the year.